"""Script for time slicing correlator data
from typing import Tuple
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
import os
import re
import numpy as np
import h5py
from nucleon_elastic_ff.utilities import set_up_logger
from nucleon_elastic_ff.utilities import find_all_files
from nucleon_elastic_ff.utilities import has_match
from nucleon_elastic_ff.data.h5io import get_dsets
from nucleon_elastic_ff.data.h5io import create_dset
from nucleon_elastic_ff.data.parsing import parse_t_info
from nucleon_elastic_ff.data.parsing import parse_file_info
from nucleon_elastic_ff.data.arraymanip import shift_array
LOGGER = set_up_logger("nucleon_elastic_ff")
[docs]def tslice( # pylint: disable=R0913
root: str,
name_input: str = "formfac_4D",
name_output: str = "formfac_4D_tslice",
overwrite: bool = False,
tslice_fact: Optional[float] = None,
dset_patterns: List[str] = ("local_current",),
boundary_sign_flip: bool = False,
"""Recursively scans dir for files, slices in time and shifts in all directions.
The input files must be h5 files (ending with ".h5") and must have `name_input`
in their file name. Files which have `name_output` as name are excluded.
Also, this routine ignores exporting to files which already exist.
Once all files are fixed, this routine calls `slice_file` on each file.
root: str
The directory to look for files.
name_input: str = "formfac_4D"
Files must match this pattern to be submitted for slicing.
name_output: str = "formfac_4D_tslice"
Files must not match this pattern to be submitted for slicing.
Also the sliced output files will have the input name replaced by the output
name. This also includes directory names.
overwrite: bool = False
Overwrite existing sliced files.
tslice_fact: Optional[float] = None
User interface for controlling factor for determening sclicing size.
E.g., if a a file has ``NT = 48`` and ``tslice_fact`` is 0.5, only time
slices from 0 to 23 are exported to the output file. Note that the source
location is shifted before slicing.
dset_patterns: List[str] = ("local_current",),
Pattern dsets must matched in order to be sliced.
boundary_sign_flip: bool = False
Applies minus sign to correlator if hopping over temporal boundaries after
tslicing (in any direction).
If ``tslice_fact`` is not ``None`` but one is able to parse ``tsep``
information from the file string. This is a safeguard against accidentally
slicing files which shall not be sliced.
LOGGER.info("Starting slicing of files")
LOGGER.info("Looking into `%s`", root)
"Using naming convention `%s` -> `%s` (for sliced data) ",
if overwrite:
LOGGER.info("Overwriting existing file.")
if boundary_sign_flip:
LOGGER.info("Flipping sign of correlator if hopping over boundary.")
all_files = find_all_files(
file_patterns=[name_input + r".*\.h5$"],
if not overwrite:
all_files = [
for file in all_files
if not os.path.exists(file.replace(name_input, name_output))
"Found %d files which match the pattern%s",
" " if overwrite else " (and do not exist)",
for n_file, file_address in enumerate(all_files):
LOGGER.info("--- File %d of %d ---", n_file + 1, len(all_files))
file_address_out = file_address.replace(name_input, name_output)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(file_address_out)):
[docs]def slice_file( # pylint: disable=R0914, R0913
file_address_in: str,
file_address_out: str,
overwrite: bool = False,
tslice_fact: Optional[float] = None,
dset_patterns: List[str] = ("local_current",),
boundary_sign_flip: bool = False,
"""Reads input file and writes time-sliced data to output file.
This methods scans all datasets within the file.
If a data set has "local_current" in its name it is sliced in its time components.
The slicing info is inferred by the group name (see `parse_t_info`) and cut according
using `slice_array`.
Also the slicing meta info is stored in the resulting output file in the `meta`
attribute of `local_current`.
file_address_in: str
Address of the to be scanned and sliced HDF5 file.
file_address_out: str
Address of the output HDF5 file.
overwrite: bool = False
Overwrite existing sliced file.
tslice_fact: Optional[float] = None
User interface for controlling factor for determening sclicing size.
E.g., if a a file has ``NT = 48`` and ``tslice_fact`` is 0.5, only time
slices from 0 to 23 are exported to the output file. Note that the source
location is shifted before slicing.
dset_patterns: List[str] = ("local_current",),
Pattern dsets must matched in order to be sliced.
boundary_sign_flip: bool = False
Applies minus sign to correlator if hopping over temporal boundaries after
tslicing (in any direction).
If ``tslice_fact`` is not ``None`` but one is able to parse ``tsep``
information from the file string. This is a safeguard against accidentally
slicing files which shall not be sliced.
LOGGER.info("Sclicing\n\t `%s`\n\t->`%s`", file_address_in, file_address_out)
with h5py.File(file_address_in, "r") as h5f:
dsets = get_dsets(h5f, load_dsets=False)
with h5py.File(file_address_out) as h5f_out:
for name, dset in dsets.items():
meta = None
if has_match(name, dset_patterns, match_all=True):
LOGGER.debug("Start slicing dset `%s`", name)
pattern = ".*(?:proton|neutron)(?:_(?P<parity>np))?"
match = re.match(pattern, name)
if not match:
raise ValueError("Could not infer parity of dset `%s`" % name)
negative_parity = match.groupdict()["parity"] == "np"
t_info = parse_t_info(name)
t_info["nt"] = dset.shape[0]
if tslice_fact is not None:
if "tsep" in t_info:
raise ValueError(
"Found `tsep = %s` in file `%s`"
" but user specified `tslice_fact`. Abort."
% (t_info["tsep"], name)
t_info["tsep"] = int(t_info["nt"] * tslice_fact)
if negative_parity and t_info["tsep"] > 0:
t_info["tsep"] *= -1
LOGGER.debug("\tExtract temporal info `%s`", t_info)
meta = dset.attrs.get("meta", None)
meta = str(meta) + "&" if meta else ""
meta += "&".join([f"{key}=={val}" for key, val in t_info.items()])
slice_index, boundary_fact = get_t_slices(**t_info)
out = dset[()][slice_index]
if boundary_sign_flip:
out *= boundary_fact.reshape(
[t_info["tsep"] + 1] + [1] * (len(dset.shape) - 1)
LOGGER.debug("\tShifting to source origin")
info = parse_file_info(file_address_in, convert_numeric=True)
for axis, key in enumerate(["z", "y", "x"]):
LOGGER.debug("\t\t %s -> %s %+d", key, key, -info[key])
out = shift_array(out, -info[key], axis=axis + 1)
out = dset[()]
create_dset(h5f_out, name, out, overwrite=overwrite)
if meta:
h5f_out[name].attrs["meta"] = meta
[docs]def get_t_slices( # pylint: disable=C0103
t0: int, tsep: int, nt: int
) -> Tuple[List[int], np.ndarray]:
"""Returns range `[t0, t0 + tsep + step]` where `step` is defined by sign of `tsep`.
List elements are counted modulo the maximal time extend nt.
This function returns the new indices and the factor associated with the indices.
E.g., entries which hop the boundaries are multiplied by minus one.
t0: int
Start index for slicing.
tsep: int
Seperation for slicing.
nt: int
Maximum time slice.
step = tsep // abs(tsep)
actual_t = range(t0, t0 + tsep + step, step)
index_t = [ind % nt for ind in actual_t]
fact = np.ones(len(index_t), dtype=int)
for n, t in enumerate(actual_t):
if t < 0 or t >= nt:
fact[n] *= -1
return index_t, fact